Thursday 19 May 2011

Kate Bostock...An Inspiration

This morning a few contour girlies and I went to listen to a talk given by Kate Bostock who is the executive director of merchandise for Marks And Spencer! (M&S is the biggest lingerie retailer in England) 
She Is someone I now look up to!!- She really gave out some inspirational words!
 Having also started as a fashion student, she has continually climbed up the success ladder. Although I have my heart on being a designer- 
I love that in the world of fashion there are so many choices and directions you can take! 
Never know where I'l end up
Maybe I'l be the next executive director earning a cool 1million+ a year 
Or head designer of Victoria's Secrets ;))

1 comment:

  1. Oh I would have loved to have heard what he had to say! Yea....a cool million would be pretty nice :D

